Saturday, April 28, 2007

Graydon Parrish in New Britian

Graydon Parrish at work in his studio.

Hello all....
Many of you will find yourself visiting the New Britain Museum of Art... Upstairs you won't be able to miss the Graydon Parrish masterwork of new classicism, TThe Cycle of Terror and Tradegedy: September 11, 2001-2006. This 8' X 18' foot painting was commissioned by the museum and was painted in response to the 911 trade towers event. Just as modernists threw out classical traditions at the start of the 20th century, this new work represents a similar process, a throwing out of modernist tenants for a return to using the figure in an allegorical and symbolic way.

Beth has done a great job in describing the piece and her reaction to it in her blog.... Take a look if you haven't already.

If you get a chance, take a look at this article

This article does a great job of explaining and celebrating Parrish and his process.

Hope you are out enjoying another great spring day at a museum with your loved ones.....

1 comment:

Beth Hollman said...

Oh great!!! I am so glad you were able to see it! Isn't it breath-taking?