Friday, April 20, 2007

A Word About Grading

In the class calendar I indicated that I would be posting grades each week for each of your papers. In the usual "strict" method of teaching and grading, deadlines are sacrosanct, penalties are assessed for late work, work wont be accepted after a certain date, etc. In my 30 years of full time teaching, I have never worked this way and I have to tell you that I really don't want to undergo a massive personality change at this point.

In my student centered view of your progress, I try to keep focussed on "The Big Picture". Do you care about your museum visits, do you convey your enthusiasm in your blog? Did you connect personally with the work discussed? As Randy Jackson on Idol might put it, "are you keeping it real"? Are you fairly consistent in getting out for your visits? Is your post to your blog in your own voice and from your heart? Do you visit other students blogs and leave comments? Do you post to the class blog at least once each week?

In your writing do you quote or italicize text pasted in from another source and properly cite it? Have you taken a paragraph to discuss what movement or style the art work can be placed in? Have you included biographical information on the artist? Have you taken time to describe some details of what your saw as you looked at your chosen work carefully?

Have I been positive in the comments I leave on each of the posts to your own blog? If so, no changes need to be made... Have I suggested any changes in your post? Have you acted to rework suggestions?

If you can honestly answer yes to the above questions, you will do fine in the class... that is at least a B grade....

This is shaping up to be a fine week-end weather wise... Take your loved one(s) with you and have a great visit....!

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