Monday, April 30, 2007

Trouble at the Wadsworth

Hey guys, hope everyone is enjoying their visits so far! Lately I've run into a string of bad luck that I'm hoping to beat this week. My visit to the Wadsworth last weekend was a disaster, after getting the day off from work, I headed up there only to find out that I wouldn't be able to use my camera (a palm pilot digital) to take any pictures in the museum. I was still able to walk around and enjoy my visit, but I couldn't document it as well as I liked.

To make matters even worse, last Wednesday I was all set to head off to New York and the MET, only to get to the train station and find out all trains were delayed indefinitely due to wires down on the track! Hopefully I'll have some better luck this week!

Hope everything is going well for you all!

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Hmmm... they give you a photo pass at the Wadsorth... wonder what happened?