Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thanks for everything

Hi Jerry, I want to say thank you for all of your assistance with getting started in this class. This is my last class before I begin working on my MBA. It was also important to me to finish my BS in the same year as my son. He will walk across the stage on May 20th. I took th eliberty to update all of my blogs based on your comments and feedback.

Your class has been insightful. My attention to detail really kicks in whenever I look at artwork. I am also compelled to pay close to the period in which the work was completed.

I wish everybody the best of luck with their future endeavors. I enjoyed reviewing your documents on the museum's that you visited. The pictures and presentation were great.

Take care and good luck!

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Thanks Katonya for the comments! You are a good writer and I looked forward to reading your posts. Looking at art is one of those life long enrichment "things" and I'm glad to have offered this experience to all who signed up using this "Brave New World" format.

Best wishes as you pursue your MBA!