Monday, March 19, 2007


Hi Everyone,

This is also my second class with Jerry. I LOVED the digital photography class and highly recommend it. I still occassionally post to Fotothing!

I am really taking this class because I enjoyed the first so much that I hoped to squeeze in another before graduation! I've taken all my required classes, so this is an elective. I love going to museums and hate when people rush me through them. I love the excitement and electricity of a new, famous exhibit - but hate the crowds. I went to th Aztec exhibit at the Guggenheim 2 or 3 years ago and loved it. Unfortunately, I went with a friend who has a short attention span and I only got passing glances of some of the pieces. Shame, I know.

I'm hoping to really absorb the art this time. I know I'll love it...

My blog is

Did anyone see my post at the bottom, between Jerry's posts? It's kind of sandwiched in there, but I was asking if anyone was interested in going as a group to the 2 NYC museums (or 1, whatever). Just leave a comment and we can make plans... I'm at the tail-end of the flu, so if we could wait another week to go, I would be fully recovered!

1 comment:

Jerry said...

Hi Beth,

Thanks for the kind words! I'm glad you are taking this class!

Let's have fun!
