Saturday, March 10, 2007

Welcome to Class!

Sketching and keeping a journal, Greek collection, first floor, south side, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Photographed by me during the Museum Experience class last academic year.

Hello everyone! and welcome to the class blog for the Mod 4 class, AH251, The Museum Experience. Here we will post images and comments each week about your adventures on the road as you travel around in your search for the sublime! I will be emailing everyone instructions on how to post on the first day of class.

To get the most out of your online class this Mod, it is important to communicate regularly with other members of the class and with me in this forum..... in fact, it is part of your grade. Post often and post early, to paraphrase a famous statement. I'm looking forward to this experience with you. It is my sincere hope that this class will be a worthwile and enjoyable experience for you.

I'd like you to create your own blog as well as join this blog. There you will post your papers and photos on a weekly basis. Be sure to post here as this is where we build the class community. Remember to put a link to your blog along with your post here.

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